Sunday, May 10, 2015

Performance Art

To be totally open and above waterboarding, this is an open plug for the new theater Lotta just built on the Paramount Parcel in our sim.  :-)

I read with great interest Kat Feldragonne's entries late last week which mentioned "Performance Art."  It is definitely a term we use to describe one of the things we are aiming for in the new "Night Players" Theater.

Interpretive Dance is also an excellent term.  :-)  One term we won't use is "Burlesque".  In the very recent past I've come to learn that for some people the term "Burlesque" is almost sacred - probably the best (? that's a questionable term but i hate to use "worst") example was when Lotta was dancing at a venue recently - she was doing a very good act which I love and going from audience and co-dancer feedback I believe many other people love it - or like a lot - as well.

One very rude patron made a very rude comment in the open chat, that she wasn't seeing "Burlesque" she was seeing "stripping" and she appeared to not want to (see stripping).  Blinks.  I can't imagine who not, but sl is like most things - if you don't want to see it - then by all means don't.  Rudeness is not required to depart a venue presenting something one would rather not see.

At movie theaters don't buy a ticket.  On Cable or Satellite TV - change the channel.  Don't read the book, and do not go to adult venues in sl and expect to see . . . what?  a nursery rhyme?

Our shows at the Paramount, while tending to be risque, have, until very recently, never crossed over the boundary of an R rating in a USA movie theater.  We've done plays which included "sex" - but even in sl - it's been simulated.  And while we have portrayed some violence, we never have, nor will, present violence as something wonderful to see, violence for it's own sake.  You see, to me - "Gratuitous Violence" is the worst kind of pornography.

A couple of months ago we added a series of acts to our Paramount Line-up which was intended to be open for experimentation by all our dancers.  I wanted a performance platform for dancers to do their most out-there ideas.  Not just "raunchy" (although raunchy acts are certainly welcome), but - "Art for Art's Sake."  Dance as Art.  Performance as Art.

On the 24th of April we presented the third in our Night Players series and, as I mentioned in a previous blog post, I presented the second in what I hope to be a series of acts that are definitely best described as Performance Art.  And there was some controversy.

While I actually welcome . . . well "controversy" in the form of discussion, I am also very protective of the Paramount.  Some people will definitely not like some of the things we do under the banner of Night Players; therefore Lotta built a brand new theater, which we named "Night Players."

The Paramount will continue to present the same sort of entertainment that we have all along.  Fun, entertaining acts which feature dance, great sets, amazing choreography and - usually - a lot of skin.

The Night Players Theater will present some of the same material we do at the Paramount, but also other acts that we - - - I - - - don't feel comfortable having on the Paramount Stage.  I think these acts - and their creators - need a venue to present them.  Uncensored.  Sorta.

I don't want or intend to ever have hard-core porn on any of our stages.  I understand that there are venues where such is available in sl - and I'm not putting anyone down.  I believe I am one of the most open-minded persons on the planet.  I just know what I want - and don't want - in a theater venue operated by Lotta and myself.

I think the best way to describe the difference between the Paramount and Night Players is - notwithstanding the fact that all of us who perform for audiences like to please our audience, Paramount's purpose is to entertain the audience.  As I often say at the end of Paramount shows, "You the audience are as important as we are.  More important actually because without you - we don't have a show."

I believe with all my heart that to be true.  About Paramount.

Night Players is for the performers.  Think of it as an Art Gallery.  In an Art Gallery you find things that are, to different people, dull, boring, wonderful, stimulating, beautiful, sometimes disgusting - again depending upon the perception of the viewer.

Sure we want an audience.  Just like Art Galleries want viewers/customers.  Night Players is for performers to present their works for the sake of the presentation.  Again, "Art for Arts' Sake."

Art is Art.

The Night Players Theater is located near the Paramount, accessible via the same master Landmark, and the opening performance will be on Tuesday May 10, 2015 at 6:00 pm, sl time.  We will present a repeat performance of the show we did at Paramount on April 24.

Night Players will present a brand new program on Friday May 29, at 8 pm.  Hope we see you then!!!



  1. I think we are on the same page as far as defining 'performance art.' It goes beyond entertaining. It's a statement from the artist ABOUT something, and it's up to the audience to decide what that is. Sometimes it's what the artist intended, many times it isn't. And I also expect 'performance art' to be somewhat controversial. Giving people something to talk about is part of the point - for me, at least.
    I don't think I want everyone to love everything I do when I perform. Part of the process for me is failing - that's what helps me learn and grow. If everything you do is 'perfect,' what's left?
    As for rude patrons, they will always be around. Some people just look for something to complain about because their own lives are so unhappy. Mute and block are some of my best friends. :-P
    Crossing my fingers that I can make it to the show on Tuesday and see your art!!

    1. Thank you so much Kat. A mutual friend of ours has indicated a desire to see this one also. I hope you both make it. And hope - - - you find things worth of discussion. :-)

  2. I got the date wrong on the next Night Players performance. It is tomorrow, Tuesday Night, May 12, @ 6 pm slt.
