Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Silly Muse

Those who have seen many of my acts have probably come to the conclusion that I love comedy.  Which would be an accurate Judgement.  I love to make people laugh.  And the majority of the acts I have performed in Second Life have been - or at least to have been intended to be - humorous.  The first original play that I wrote to be performed in SL was a hilarious piece of satire called Cleo and the Czar.  I claimed that I plagiarized George Bernard Shaw and William Shakespear, but that was part of the humor.  I used a couple of lines from each but mixed in with the silliness was a story that was based upon a lot of research into the "true" - or at least accepted - history of the events surrounding the romance of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.

Yes I'm bragging.  It's funny.  Even if I wrote it, anything that I can read for the hundredth time and still burst out laughing . . . must be funny.  Unfortunately two years ago it opened at Paramount and was closed after two performances.  Significant by it's absence was . . . an audience.

And yes I would love to update it with the movement and choreography tools we now have available.  Except for one thing.

My Silly Muse quit singing to me.

I have created and performed in non-comedy acts in these three years that I have been performing on stage in sl, but they have been exceptions which didn't follow the rule.

I have noticed that the response I get from other dancers and performers is best for my most serious acts, namely "Sacred Ground."  My Silly Muse was mercifully silent when I was dreaming that one up and I'm glad.

Starting in January of this year my Silly Muse seems to have taken a holiday.  Other, more serious muses have taken her place.  Serious, dark acts are making a lot of noise, wanting to be heard (by me) and translated into on-stage performances.  Also by me.

The serious ones are much more difficult.  To be totally honest, for a long time i have accepted the ability to make people laugh as a Gift From God.  Humor is Easy.  Serious is Difficult and Dark is Very Hard.

My output of acts has gone down, seriously.  I have been working on one that is 10 minutes long, which I started in late January.  It's due to be performed in 3 days (this coming Friday) and I'm still working on it.

Along the way I have come up with a few "regular length" acts, some by digging out old acts and updating them using some of the modern tools available.  A couple from scratch; one goofy, one serious.  The serious one got a good reception.  The bad one - I mean the non-serious one - received some very negative criticism.  Negative criticism is something I take to heart deeply, especially when coming from someone whose opinions I respect.

I'm close to "finished" with the current project and I have two very dark and very long projects waiting in line.  All three of these projects are intended to be "My Art."  How others view them will be - - :-) of course -  up to them.

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